mercury mini
2018 — Crestron
The Mercury Mini is the more compact and further developed successor to the Mercury, Crestron’s first complete solution for online conferences.
Role: Industrial Designer
lead: Johannes Ott
client: crestron
project: conference system
agency: noto
One device for every situation. One of the typical product family features is the clear segmentation of the functional areas. The focus is on the interface and the interaction. It includes the screen, the speaker, as well as the mute buttons on all four corners and the feedback light above the screen.
Early architecture exploration. The Mercury Mini has a 360 ° design that enables the status to be read from all sides. The display tilts towards the user, giving the device an upward-looking character and at the same time a clear direction. The speaker is mirror-inverted to the screen and is covered with a specially made metal mesh. The interface and speaker cover span the compact main housing like an arch. The perceived volume is greatly reduced and at the same time floats above the floor. Functional elements such as ventilation and cable management can be integrated invisibly.
Visuals: noto, ©Noto GmbH
— Creative Direction: Julian Sommer